
Preparatory Physics for NEET, JEE – Class IX

PHYSICS for class IX Syllabus
  1. Measurement and experimentation: common instruments like
    Vernier caliper, micro-meter screw gauge for length, simple pendulum
    for time.
  2. Motion: uniform and non-uniform motion, motion in one dimension;
    distance, displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration; scalar and vector
    quantities; graphs of distance-time and speed-time; equations of
    uniformly accelerated motion with derivations (graphical
    representation). Uniform circular motion.
  3. Laws of motion: Contact and non-contact forces; Relation between
    force and motion; Newton’s first law of motion (qualitative
    discussion); introduction to the ideas of inertia, mass and force.
    Newton’s second law of motion including the mathematical
    formulation (F=ma). Weight and mass. Newton’s third law of motion
    (qualitative discussion); simple examples. Conservation of
  4. Gravitation: Kepler’s laws of planetary motion; acceleration due to
    gravity; center of mass, idea of gravitational field.
  5. Fluids: pressure in fluids; pressure and thrust; change of pressure
    with depth (including the formula p=hρg); transmission of pressure in
    liquids, atmospheric pressure; concepts of density, relative density
    and specific gravity; buoyancy, Archimedes’ principle, principles of
    floatation; determination of relative density of a solid.
  6. Work and energy: types of energy, power, work energy relation,
    transformation of energy; law of conservation of energy.
  7. Heat: heat as a form of energy; concepts of heat and temperature;
    anomalous expansion of water, graphs showing variation of volume
    and density of water with temperature in the 0 to 10 deg C range;
    Hope’s experiment and consequences of anomalous expansion.
    Energy flow and its importance; energy sources. Global warming and
    Green-house effect.
  8. Sound: nature of sound waves, waves and wave motion; requirement
    of a medium for sound waves to travel, propagation and speed in
    different media; comparison with speed of light. Factors affecting
    speed of sound; reflection of sound, echo, reverberation; infrasonic,
    sonic and ultrasonic frequencies and their applications.
  9. Light: reflection of light, images formed by a pair of parallel and
    perpendicular plane mirrors; spherical mirrors, characteristics of
    image formed by these mirrors; uses of concave and convex mirrors
    (simple ray diagrams).
  10. Electricity and Magnetism: simple electric circuit using an electric cell
    and an electric bulb to introduce an idea of current (including its
    relationship with charge); potential difference; insulators and
    conductors; closed and open circuits; direction of current (electron
    flow and conventional). Induced magnetism, magnetic field of earth;
    neutral points in a magnetic field. Introduction to electromagnets and
    its uses.
Foundational Physics for Class IX – Dr. Debashis barman
/ month.

Class Timings : 

Debasis Barman

(Foundation Math)
PhD from
Jadavpur University

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