
Physical Science Class V


ICSE syllabus pattern, which is the most comprehensive one will be followed. This will cover the general topics of CBSE and WBBSE board. Unit 1: Introduction to science
  • Scope of science
  • Science of living and non-living things
  • Course overview and general ideas
  • some great scientists and their discoveries
  Unit 2: Solids, Liquids and Gasses
  • Properties of solids, liquids and gasses
  • Separation of solids from liquids
  • Composition of gasses in air- land and sea breezes, monsoon breezes
  • Role of ventilators in houses/halls
  • Warm air lighter than fresh air
  Unit 3: Sound and Noise
  • Sounds made by common objects
  • Sound made by living beings
  • Pleasant and unpleasant sounds
  • Warning sounds
  • Harmful effects of loud noise
  • Ways to reduce noise pollution
 Unit 4: Work and Energy
  • Meaning of work, examples of work done or not done
  • Definition of energy
  • Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
  • Various kinds of energy
 Unit 5: Light and Shadows
  • Revisit previous learning of transparent, translucent, and opaque objects
  • Formation of shadows: in day, in night, in dim light
  • Condition for formation of shadows
  • Day and night formation
  • Solar and lunar eclipses
Unit 6: Simple Machines
  • Need for machines
  • Types of simple machines: lever, screw, pulley
  • Need for levers: types of levers I, II, and III order
  • Examples of levers related to daily life
/ month.

New Class Time : Weekly One Class

Experts :

Srijani Chakraborty

Design Engineer (Mechanical) Jadavpur University

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