
Basic Maths

Class 1 Mathematics is the foundation of a child’s mathematical learning. It focuses on transforming ‘activity learning’ into academic skills. In class 1 mathematics, students often develop the primary understanding of numbers, arithmetic operations, geometry, patterns, measurements, and currency. The class 1 mathematics syllabus covers topics like counting, reading and writing numerals from 1 to 9, addition and subtraction using pictures, and so on.

Course Module –

Class 1 Mathematics syllabus is prepared to help young learners acquire basic mathematical concepts with ease. The syllabus has topics related to shapes, numbers, addition, subtraction, and more.

Shapes and Spatial Understanding

Recognizing two-dimensional shapes (2D shapes) and developing a vocabulary of spatial relationships like near, far, top, bottom, above, below, on, inside, under, and outside.


  • Building a basic understanding of numbers.
  • Counting and performing addition/subtraction of numbers from one to nine.
  • Observing objects and making collections of objects.
  • Arranging the group of objects in order through 1-to-1 correspondence
  • Counting objects in a collection or group.
  • Making a group of objects corresponding to a specific number.
  • Identifying and telling number names from 1 to 9.
  • Using numbers from 1 to 9 for counting and comparison.
  • Reading and writing numerals from 1 to 9.
  • Adding and subtracting using pictures and objects.
  • Adding and subtracting the numbers by using the addition ‘+’ and subtraction ‘-’ symbols.

Numbers from (10 – 20)

  • Forming sequence from 10 to 20.
  • Counting objects using numbers.
  • Grouping objects into tens.
  • Developing the vocabulary related to groups of ‘tens’ and ‘ones’.
  • Representing the group of tens and ones through drawing.
  • Counting the number of tens and ones in a given number.
  • Writing the numerals for ten and twenty.
  • Comparing numbers up to 20.

Addition and Subtraction (Up to 20)

  • Adding and subtracting numbers up to 20.

Numbers from 21 – 99

  • Writing numerals from twenty-one to ninety-nine. Grouping objects into tens and ones.
  • Draws representation for groups of tens and ones. Grouping of a number verbally into tens and ones.

Mental Arithmetic

  • Adding two single-digit numbers mentally.


  • Identifying common currency notes and coins.
  • Putting together small amounts of money.


Estimating distance, weight, length, and time.

  • Length: Distinguish between objects by comparing their length. Comparing thick, thin, near, far, longer, taller, shorter, high, and low.
  • Weight: Comparing objects based on their weight like heavy or light objects.
  • Time: Distinguishing events based on the time of their occurrence by using terms like earlier and later.

Data Handling

  • Collecting, representing, and interpreting similar data like evaluating the length of a book using a paper strip.


  • Describing sequences of simple patterns found in shapes in surroundings. Building the sequence of simple patterns of shapes in the surroundings.

The Class 1 Mathematics syllabus can be covered keeping in mind that the kids should not lose interest in the subject even before they start. The subject can be made interesting by relating the topics to real-life scenarios.

Develop Class 1 Mathematics Skills

Some of the most important Class 1 mathematics skills are associated with building spatial sense, performing addition/ subtraction, measuring length, time, weight, and identifying patterns. There are various creative ways to develop class 1 mathematics skills. These creative methods enhance the cognitive skills and the intellectual growth of a child.

Develop Spatial Sense:

Spatial sense is all about building the concept of position, direction, size, shape, space, and movement in children. It is a necessary skill that enables children to understand various things and actions. Encouraging kids to arrange, sort, or clear their toys during play is a good way to introduce them to spatial vocabulary. For instance, let them identify the blocks of the same shapes or sizes. Ask them to put the blocks ‘together’, or place them ‘next to’ each other, or stack them by keeping one on ‘top of’ the other. Using such phrases will enable kids to build their spatial vocabulary easily.

Develop Number Sense

Developing number sense is highly important to understand mathematical concepts. Number sense signifies the ability of children to count numbers. In class 1 mathematics, students usually learn numbers from 1 to 100. Encourage children to count both in forward and backward directions. Tell them to collect their toys together, arrange them based on size or color and count them.

Shapes Around Us

Understanding the different shapes in the surroundings is an important skill. Children can collect and identify different things with various shapes, sizes, and colors such as toys, balls, cones, etc. It is good for children to learn to classify objects on the basis of their shapes and other properties.

Class 1 Mathematics Tips and Tricks

Class 1 Mathematics can be made interesting for the students using the following tips.

Connect Routine Activities with Mathematics Concepts.

Incorporating class 1 mathematics concepts into everyday activities like counting objects in a shopping cart or steps on a staircase will make it simpler for kids to grasp them. Parents should ask their children to identify and count the red objects in the room, or find the square-shaped objects on the table.

Solve Logical Puzzles

Logical puzzles are an excellent means of promoting math interest in kids. Solving these puzzles enables kids to learn mathematics easily. Thus, improving their basic understanding of numbers, addition, subtraction, pattern, sequences, size, position, and color.

Apply Math in Everyday Life

Math visualization is an excellent means to grasp important concepts. Parents should encourage their children to employ math concepts in their everyday life. For instance, guide them to combine their routine activities like playing or reading with mathematics for fun learning experiences.

Class 1 Mathematics Worksheets –

Solving Class 1 mathematics worksheets helps the students to be consistent in doing mathematics questions on a regular basis. The worksheets consist of a variety of questions that are framed using visuals to ensure that the students remain engaged in solving them. These worksheets also help them to solve questions in an organized way within a time frame. The worksheets for class 1 cover all the topics of this grade and make it easier for the students to remain interested in the subject.

Note Parents/guardians are to play an important role in shaping/creating intelligence in young kids; in imparting the concepts of arithmetic and geometry in the brains of their children.

/ month.

*T&C applied

Experts :

The course is designed by

Dr. Debasis Barman

(Foundation Math)
PhD from
Jadavpur University

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