
Basic Data Analytics for UG

Introduction to Statistics

Course Duration: One Semester (15-16 weeks) Course Description: This course serves as an introduction to fundamental statistical concepts and techniques. It provides students with a strong foundation in descriptive and inferential statistics, enabling them to make informed decisions and draw meaningful insights from data. Each module covers specific topics in statistics, progressively building a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Module 1: Foundations of Statistics

  • Module Description: This module serves as an introduction to the course, covering the importance of statistics, its applications in various fields, and the basic terminology used in statistics.

Module 2: Data Types and Data Collection

  • Module Description: Students will learn about different data types (e.g., categorical, numerical) and methods of data collection. Emphasis will be placed on understanding data quality and potential biases in data collection.

Module 3: Descriptive Statistics

  • Module Description: This module explores the basics of descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and measures of spread (range, variance, standard deviation). Students will also learn to create frequency distributions and histograms.

Module 4: Measures of Variation and Skewness

  • Module Description: Building on the previous module, students will delve deeper into measures of variability, such as quartiles, interquartile range, and the coefficient of variation. Skewness and its interpretation will also be covered.

Module 5: Moments and Skewness

  • Module Description: This module introduces students to the concept of moments, including the first moment (mean), second moment (variance), and third moment (skewness). Students will gain insights into the shape of data distributions.

Module 6: Probability Distributions

  • Module Description: Students will be introduced to probability distributions, including the normal distribution, binomial distribution, and Poisson distribution. They will learn to calculate probabilities and use probability density functions.

Module 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions

  • Module Description: This module covers the principles of sampling and sampling methods. Students will explore sampling distributions, including the central limit theorem, which underpins inferential statistics.

Module 8: Hypothesis Testing

  • Module Description: Students will delve into hypothesis testing, including formulating null and alternative hypotheses, conducting significance tests, and making decisions based on p-values. The concept of Type I and Type II errors will be explored.

Module 9: Linear Regression and Correlation

  • Module Description: Students will explore the concepts of correlation and linear regression. They will learn how to assess the strength and direction of relationships between variables and make predictions using regression analysis.

Module 10: Time Series Analysis

  • Module Description: Students will delve into the intricacies of time-dependent data, a fundamental component of statistics. This module equips students with the tools to dissect time series datasets, identifying trends, seasonality, and autocorrelations. It introduces them to time series models, including ARIMA and exponential smoothing, and teaches model selection and evaluation. By applying these techniques to real-world data, students will develop the skills needed for forecasting and data-driven decision-making, making them well-prepared to handle time series data in diverse fields.

Additional Considerations:

Provide resources, tutorials, and libraries for learning machine learning with Python (e.g., scikit-learn) and R (e.g., caret). Assign real-world datasets and case studies that require machine learning techniques. Students to explore various machine learning algorithms, such as regression, classification, clustering, and feature engineering.

Course Benefits

The course, "Statistics, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning with Python and R," offers numerous benefits to students, helping them develop valuable skills and competencies for a successful career in data analytics and related fields. Here are some key benefits of the course:

Strong Foundation in Statistics: Students gain a solid understanding of statistical concepts, probability theory, and statistical inference. This knowledge is essential for making data-driven decisions and drawing meaningful insights from data.

Data Collection and Preprocessing Skills: Students learn how to collect data from various sources and perform data preprocessing, including cleaning and handling missing values. This skill is crucial for working with real-world, messy datasets.

Data Visualization Expertise: The course equips students with the ability to create informative and visually appealing data visualizations. Effective data visualization is vital for conveying insights to stakeholders.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Students become proficient in EDA techniques, enabling them to uncover hidden patterns, relationships, and anomalies in data. EDA is a critical step in the data analysis process.

Regression Analysis: The course covers both simple and multiple regression analysis, allowing students to model and predict outcomes based on data. This is valuable for making predictions and understanding relationships between variables.

Hands-On Experience with Python and R: Through practical projects and assignments, students gain proficiency in using Python and R, two of the most widely used programming languages in data analytics and machine learning.

Problem-Solving Skills: The course challenges students with real-world data analytics and machine learning projects, enhancing their problem-solving abilities and preparing them to address complex data challenges in their careers.

Career Readiness: Upon completing the course, students are well-prepared for careers in data analytics, data science, and related fields. They have a diverse skill set that is highly sought after by employers.

Capstone Projects: The capstone data analytics and machine learning projects allow students to apply all the concepts and skills they’ve learned in a real-world context, showcasing their abilities to potential employers.

Competitive Advantage: Graduates of the course gain a competitive edge in the job market, as they possess the knowledge and skills needed to excel in data-driven industries.

Adaptability: The course equips students to adapt to evolving data analytics technologies and methodologies, ensuring their relevance in a rapidly changing field.

In summary, this course provides students with a comprehensive skill set encompassing statistics, data analytics, machine learning, and programming, making them well-prepared to enter the workforce as data analysts, data scientists, or professionals in other data-related roles. These skills are in high demand across various industries where data-driven decision-making is critical.

Eligibility Criteria

The minimum eligibility criteria for an undergraduate course in "Statistics, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning with Python and R" typically involve meeting certain educational prerequisites. While the specific requirements may vary by institution, here are the general eligibility criteria:

High School Diploma or Equivalent: Students should have successfully completed their high school education or obtained an equivalent qualification.

Mathematics Proficiency: A solid foundation in mathematics, particularly in areas like algebra and statistics, is often expected. Some institutions may specify a minimum level of mathematics coursework completed in high school.

Computer Literacy: Basic computer skills, including the ability to use software applications and navigate operating systems, are typically required, given the technical nature of the course.

English Language Proficiency: For courses conducted in English, students may need to demonstrate their proficiency in the English language, particularly if they are non-native English speakers.

System requirements for a course in "Statistics, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning with Python and R" can vary depending on the specific tools, software, and technologies used in the course. However, here are some general system requirements that should suffice for most data analytics and machine learning coursework:

Hardware Requirements:

  1. Computer: A modern laptop or desktop computer is typically sufficient. It should have a reliable internet connection.
  2. Processor: A multi-core processor (e.g., Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5) is recommended for smoother performance, especially during data analysis and machine learning tasks.
  3. Memory (RAM): A minimum of 8 GB of RAM is recommended. More RAM (16 GB or higher) can significantly improve performance when working with large datasets or running complex machine learning models.
  4. Storage: Adequate storage space (256 GB SSD or higher) is essential for storing datasets, software, and project files.
  5. Graphics Card: A dedicated graphics card is not typically required for data analytics and statistics tasks, but it can be beneficial for certain machine learning tasks that involve deep learning with GPU acceleration.

Software Requirements:

  1. Operating System: Most common operating systems are suitable, including Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions (e.g., Ubuntu).
  2. Python and R: Install the latest versions of Python and R, as they are the primary programming languages used for data analytics and machine learning. You’ll need to install packages and libraries for data manipulation, visualization, and machine learning.
  3. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs):
    • For Python: Anaconda with Jupyter Notebook or Visual Studio Code with
    • For R: RStudio is a popular choice.
  4. Data Visualization Tools: Install data visualization software such as Tableau, Power BI, or open-source alternatives like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and ggplot2 for Python and R.
  5. Database Tools: Familiarize yourself with database management systems (DBMS) like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite, as you might need them for data storage and retrieval.
  6. Version Control: Consider using Git and a Git repository hosting service like GitHub or GitLab for version control and collaborative work.
  7. Text Editors: Install a code editor or text editor of your choice (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text) for writing and editing code and scripts.

Internet Access:

Ensure a stable internet connection, as online resources, tutorials, and collaboration with peers and instructors may require internet access.

Data Visualization Tools: Install data visualization software such as Tableau, Power BI, or open-source alternatives like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and ggplot2 for Python and R.



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